21 research outputs found

    Improving a State-of-the-Art Heuristic for the Minimum Latency Problem with Data Mining

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    Recently, hybrid metaheuristics have become a trend in operations research. A successful example combines the Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures (GRASP) and data mining techniques, where frequent patterns found in high-quality solutions can lead to an efficient exploration of the search space, along with a significant reduction of computational time. In this work, a GRASP-based state-of-the-art heuristic for the Minimum Latency Problem (MLP) is improved by means of data mining techniques for two MLP variants. Computational experiments showed that the approaches with data mining were able to match or improve the solution quality for a large number of instances, together with a substantial reduction of running time. In addition, 88 new cost values of solutions are introduced into the literature. To support our results, tests of statistical significance, impact of using mined patterns, equal time comparisons and time-to-target plots are provided.Comment: This document is a dissertation fil

    Thermal Comfort in Swine: Basic Concepts for Better Production

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    Com o crescimento do mercado consumidor, diversos países vêm desenvolvendo tecnologias de gestão mais eficientes e sustentáveis para reduzir os efeitos nocivos do estresse térmico na produção de suínos, fato ainda mais importante em países com climas tropicais como o Brasil. O suíno produzido no Brasil é um animal que, de diferentes formas, foi importado de outros países relativamente frios. Portanto, eles foram geneticamente adaptados ao clima tropical. Assim, devido aos efeitos nocivos das altas temperaturas, melhorar o ambiente de produção é a forma mais eficiente de mitigar o estresse térmico. Esta revisão tem como objetivo abordar as principais complicações que o estresse térmico pode causar aos suínos e identificar abordagens de manejo adequadas para reduzir a suscetibilidade a curto prazo ao desconforto. Tais informações buscam incentivar práticas de manejo sadio voltadas para o conforto térmico dos animais e consequente ganho de eficiência produtiva

    Evaluation of the rational use of agricultural space for better human occupation

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    Changes in microclimates in urbanized areas are due to direct human interference, such as the replacement of wooded areas by paving and construction in inadequate locations. For the study of environments, climatic variables interpreted in isolation have little informative content because its exist in set. Considering the expansion of urban areas over the rural environment, the characterization of anthropized environments has been an important tool for feeding urban projects that, in order to be sustainable, have used comfort indexes in your evaluations. Another resource currently used are decision support systems, such as those that use fuzzy logic, as they assist in the observation of conflicting situations such as those involving environmental issues. Thus, in this research, the human discomfort index (HDI) was used to assess 6 different microclimates and to verify the degree of interference of rural anthropization in human thermal comfort and with the observed information build a mathematical model based on fuzzy logic, relating climatic variables and microenvironments, in which the response variable were levels of human well-being. In the end, it was possible to conclude that the urbanization process in rural areas influences the microclimate and quality of the environments, reflecting human thermal comfort. In addition, the Fuzzy model constructed estimated the observed scenarios in a coherent manner, serving to assist in the management of agricultural environments and decision making

    Vírus Nipah: Uma Análise Abrangente do Perfil Epidemiológico e Clínico

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    Introduction: Among the diseases posing a serious threat to public health, those originating from viral agents assume significant importance. The Nipah virus (NiV), belonging to the Paramyxoviridae family, was documented in Malaysia during the period of 1998-1999. Due to its notable lethality in humans, its zoonotic nature, potential for interpersonal transmission, and the absence of a readily available vaccine, the World Health Organization (WHO) has identified it as a global health issue. Objective: The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of understanding regarding Nipah Virus infection, offering a theoretical foundation for subsequent clinical investigations and interventions. Methodology: The methodology involved a descriptive search of articles from four electronic databases (PubMed, BVS, SCIELO, and Scopus), where selected articles were synthesized, providing a thorough literature review. Results and Discussion: Depending on the strain's specificity, Nipah Virus (NiV) infection manifests with neurological symptoms and severe respiratory disturbances. In confirmed cases of NiV epidemics, the presence of the virus in humans is often correlated with various animal species, with bats of the Pteropus species commonly considered primary reservoirs and natural vectors of NiV. Human transmission occurs through the consumption of contaminated food, contact with animals, and direct interpersonal interaction. Additionally, due to the lack of vaccines and drugs with established efficacy against NiV, the therapeutic approach for patients is limited to supportive measures and prophylactic intervention. Conclusion: The Nipah Virus (NiV) poses a potential threat for spread among human populations and livestock in a specific geographic region. Therefore, the foundations for managing this disease lie in implementing biosafety practices, including proper management of reservoirs and intermediate/amplifying hosts, and in the development of potential therapeutic measures.Introdução: Entre as enfermidades que constituem uma séria ameaça à saúde pública, destacam-se aquelas originadas por agentes virais, as quais assumem uma significativa importância. O vírus Nipah (NiV), pertencente à família Paramyxoviridae, foi documentado na Malásia durante o período de 1998-1999. Em virtude de sua notável letalidade em seres humanos, de sua característica zoonótica, da capacidade potencial de transmissão interpessoal, e da ausência de uma vacina prontamente disponível, a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) identificou-o como uma questão de saúde global. Objetivo: O propósito deste estudo consiste em apresentar uma perspectiva abrangente do estado atual do entendimento acerca da infecção pelo Vírus Nipah, fornecendo uma fundamentação teórica para investigações e intervenções clínicas subsequentes. Metodologia:  A metodologia consistiu em uma pesquisa descritiva de artigos de quatro bases de dados eletrônicas (PubMed, BVS, SCIELO e Scopus), na qual os artigos selecionados foram sintetizados, oferecendo uma revisão completa da literatura. Resultados e Discussão: Dependendo da especificidade da cepa, a infecção pelo Vírus Nipah (NiV) manifesta-se por sintomas neurológicos e distúrbios respiratórios graves. Nos casos confirmados de epidemias de NiV, a presença do vírus em seres humanos frequentemente está correlacionada com diversas espécies animais, sendo os morcegos da espécie Pteropus comumente considerados os principais reservatórios e vetores naturais do NiV. O contágio humano ocorre por meio do consumo de alimentos contaminados, do contato com animais e da interação direta entre indivíduos. Além disso, devido à ausência de vacinas e de medicamentos com eficácia estabelecida contra o NiV, a abordagem terapêutica para os pacientes é restrita a medidas de suporte e intervenção profilática. Considerações finais: O Vírus Nipah (NiV) constitui uma ameaça potencial para a disseminação entre populações humanas e animais de criação em determinada região geográfica. Logo, os fundamentos para a gestão dessa enfermidade residem na implementação de práticas de biossegurança, que incluem uma administração apropriada do reservatório e dos hospedeiros intermediários/amplificadores e no desenvolvimento de potenciais medidas terapêuticas. &nbsp

    Quality analysis of genomic DNA and authentication of fisheries products based on distinct methods of DNA extraction.

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    Molecular genetic techniques are an effective monitoring tool, but high-quality DNA samples are usually required. In this study, we compared three different protocols of DNA extraction: NaCl (saline); phenol-chloroform and commercial kit (Promega)-from three biological tissues of five individuals of Lutjanus purpureus under two methods of storage. The evaluated items included DNA concentration and purity, processing time and cost, as well as the obtaining of functional sequences. The highest average values of DNA concentration were obtained using the saline procedure and the commercial kit. Pure DNA was only obtained using the saline protocol, evaluated by the ratio of 260/280. The saline and phenol-chloroform protocols were the least expensive methods. The commercial kit costs are counterbalanced by the short time required. The procedure based on phenol-chloroform presented the worst results regarding DNA yield and the time required to perform all steps. The saline and commercial kit protocols showed similar results concerning the amount and quality of extracted DNA. Therefore, the final choice should be based on the available financial resources and the available time for carrying out each procedure of DNA extraction

    Influência da cardiopatia congênita no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor de lactentes

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    Congenital heart defects (CHD) are among the main causes of morbidity and mortality in infants who has this impairment may present delays in neuropsychomotor development (NPMD). This study assesses the influence of CHD on NPMD of infants. This is an observational study assessing neuropsychomotor development performed by Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development - BSID-III. The Brazilian Economic Classification Criteria was used to verify the socioeconomic status of the families and also the maternal and infants’ clinical conditions were verified in the medical discharge report and in the child’s health handbook. For the association between the quantitative and qualitative variables with the NPMD, the Spearman’s correlation coefficient and the likelihood ratio test were used. A total of 18 infants were assessed, with a predominance of females (72.2%). Most mothers (47.1%) had complete high school or incomplete higher education, with a mean age of 27.2±5.5 years. There was a correlation between the BSID-III scales and the quantitative variables analyzed: motor scale with weight (p=0.02 and r=0.54) and oxygen therapy (p=0.009 and r=−0.591); besides that, the qualitative variables correlation were: motor scale and socioeconomic condition (p=0.015), motor scale and Interatrial Communication - IAC (p=0.023) and language with IAC scales (p=0.038). CHD influences the delay of NPMD, mainly for motor aspect. Furthermore, weight, diagnosis of IAC, use of oxygen therapy and socioeconomic status were considered the main risk factors for the delay in NPMD.Las cardiopatías congénitas (CC) se encuentran entre las principales causas de morbimortalidad en la primera infancia, y los lactantes con esta afección pueden tener retrasos en el desarrollo neuropsicomotor (DNPM). El presente estudio tuvo el objetivo de evaluar la influencia de las CC en el DNPM de los lactantes. Este es un estudio observacional en el cual se evaluó el desarrollo neuropsicomotor utilizando la Bayley scales of infant and toddler development (BSID-III). Las condiciones maternas y clínicas de los lactantes se obtuvieron en el informe de alta médica y en la libreta de salud del niño, y el estado socioeconómico de las familias en el Criterio de Clasificación Económica de Brasil. Para asociar las variables clínicas y el DNPM, se utilizaron el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman y la prueba de razón de probabilidad. Se evaluaron a 18 lactantes, con un predominio del sexo femenino (72,2%). La mayoría de las madres (47,1%) tenían la secundaria completa o la educación superior incompleta, con una edad promedio de 27,2±5,5 años. Hubo una correlación entre las escalas BSID-III y las variables cuantitativas analizadas: escala motora con el peso (p=0,02 y r=0,54) y con el uso de oxigenoterapia (p=0,009 y r=−0,591); para las variables cualitativas, las asociaciones fueron entre: escala motora y estado socioeconómico (p=0,015), escala motora y comunicación interauricular (CIA) (p=0,023) y escala de lenguaje y CIA (p=0,038). Las CC influyeron en el DNPM, principalmente en el aspecto motor. Además, el peso, el diagnóstico de CIA, el uso de oxigenoterapia y el estado socioeconómico fueron considerados los principales factores de riesgo para el retraso en el DNPM.As cardiopatias congênitas (CC) estão entre as principais causas de morbimortalidade na primeira infância e os lactentes com essa condição podem apresentar atrasos no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor (DNPM). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência da CC no DNPM de lactentes. Trata-se de um estudo observacional com avaliação do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor realizada pela Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (BSID-III). As condições maternas e clínicas dos lactentes foram verificadas no relatório de alta médica e na caderneta de saúde da criança, e a condição socioeconômica das famílias pelo Critério da Classificação Econômica Brasil. Para associar as variáveis clínicas e o DNPM foram utilizados o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman e o teste de razão de verossimilhança. Foram avaliados 18 lactentes, com predomínio do sexo feminino (72,2%). A maioria das mães (47,1%) possuía ensino médio completo ou superior incompleto, com média da idade de 27,2±5,5 anos. Houve correlação das escalas do BSID-III com as variáveis quantitativas analisadas: escala motora com o peso (p=0,02 e r=0,54) e com uso de oxigenoterapia (p=0,009 e r=−0,591); já para as variáveis qualitativas as associações foram entre: escala motora e condição socioeconômica (p=0,015), escala motora e comunicação interatrial - (CIA) (p=0,023) e escala da linguagem e CIA (p=0,038). A CC influenciou o DNPM, principalmente no aspecto motor. Além disso peso, diagnóstico de CIA, uso de oxigenoterapia e condição socioeconômica foram considerados como principais fatores de risco para o atraso no DNPM